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Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments
The tensile strength of near-eutectic gray iron can be increased from 230–300 to 300–345MPa, without a significant increase

Aluminio aleazioko pieza moldeatu baten egituraren aurreikuspen-metodoa
The invention relates to a method for predicting at least one first characteristic parameter of a structure of

Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de fundiciones con grafito laminar y esferoidal parcialmente modificadas con silicio en NaCl 0,03 M
El uso creciente de fundiciones esferoidales en aplicaciones tecnológicas hace que se busquen nuevos métodos para mejorar su

Burdin harikor ausferritikoa as-cast ekoizteko metodoa.
The present invention discloses a method for the manufacturing of ausferritic ductile iron alloy which comprises the following

Burdinurtu pieza bat fabrikatzeko metodoa eta fabrikatutako pieza
The present invention describes a method for manufacturing a spheroidal pearlitic cast iron part which comprises: preparing an

Enhancing the stationary state prediction in Model Predictive Control systems to avoid Dross defect in heavy-section foundries
A Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a system designed to control a production plant. These systems are composed

Aluminio birziklatuaren galdaketan propietate mekaniko hobetuak lortzeko metodoa, plateo formako beta faserik gabe
The present invention relates to aluminum alloys, more particularly, it relates to aluminum alloy castings suitable as components,

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis
Grain refinement is a common practice in aluminium casting alloys, being Ti and/or B the most popular refining

Net/Gross yield optimization on high value-added steel casting
The manufacturing of cast steel components presents numerous improvement opportunities in a whole range of materials, from manganese

Advanced sustainable foundry – Carbon balance and carbon footprint in foundry processes and foundry product cycles
Carbon footprint analysis (CFA) is a sophisticated environmental method to evaluate the impact of the whole life-cycle of

Austenite stability of austempered ductile iron (ADI) in sub-zero conditions
The use of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) in the manufacture of different types of components grows despite some

Fracture characterization of new generation ferritic spheroidal cast irons
Nearly all cast parts must undergo a machining process in order to be used in service. This work

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings
Primary AlSi10MnMg alloy is the most widely used alloy for manufacturing of vacuum assisted high pressure die castings

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry
Primary AlSi10MnMg alloy is the most widely used alloy for manufacturing of vacuum assisted high pressure die castings

Effect of microalloying element addition on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of A356 secondary alloy with 0.30% Fe
This work investigated how trace additions of Mn, Cr and V affect the morphologies of harmful BETA-AlFe5Si intermetallics,

Mazarota txertagarriaren oinarria, harea-moldea, mazarota txertagarriaren oinarriaz eta harea-moldeaz osatutako moldekatze-gailua eta moldekatzeko gailua lortzeko prozedura
La base de mazarota es un inserto obtenido por moldeo manual o por soplado de una composición aislante