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Solidification and Room Temperature Microstructure of a Fully Pearlitic Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
Compacted graphite cast irons are rapidly developing for they have better mechanical properties than lamellar graphite cast irons

Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility of R4 and R5 High-Strenght Mooring Steels in Cold and Warm Seawater
Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility ratios calculated from slow strain rate tensile tests have been employed to study the response

Retained Austenite Control for the Soft Machining of High-Hardness Tool Steels
Most high-hardness tool steels comprising forming dies require expensive finish machining operations to compensate for the dimensional distortion

The Influence of Trace Elements on the Nature of the Nuclei of Graphite in Ductile Iron
Nucleation mechanisms and the effect of minor elements added with the inoculants are still a subject of extensive

Reassessment of Crystal Growth Theory of Graphite in Cast Iron
The problem of graphite crystallization and growth in cast iron has recently received increased attention. As most of

Evolution of shrinkage with carbon equivalent and inoculation in ductile cast irons
Studying how shrinkage porosity changes size when varying the composition of ductile irons is still of interest for

Effect of the Martensitic Transformation on the Stamping Force and Cycle Time of Hot Stamping Parts
Stamping dies perform two functions in the hot stamping process of body-in-white components. Firstly, they form the steel

A Simplified Varestraint Test for Analyzing Weldability of Fe-Ni Based Superalloys
High temperature Ni-based superalloys are largely used in components of aircraft engines which are subjected to high thermal

Experimental and CFD Modeling of the Degree of Eutectic Modification in A356 Silica Sand and Metal-Mold Castings
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) casting simulation-based optimization approach previously developed was applied in this study to assist

Experimental and CFD Modeling of Microshrinkage in A356 Silica Sand Mold Castings
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) casting simulation-based optimization approach previously developed was applied in this study to assist

Wear and Friction Evaluation of Different Tool Steels for Hot Stamping
The aim of this work is to investigate the durability of tool steels for hot stamping by comparing

Effects of high silicon contents on graphite morphology and room temperature mechanical properties of as-cast ferritic ductile cast irons. Part II – Mechanical properties
An attempt has been made to establish experimentally the temperature along the metastable eutectic in the Fe–C–Si system,

Mechanical and microstructural characterization of HIP joints of a simplified prototype of the ITER NHF First Wall Panel
The blanket of ITER protects the vacuum vessel from neutrons and other energetic particles produced in the fusion

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron
Copper, manganese and tin are commonly used as pearlite promoter elements in cast irons. A number of studies

Reexamination of crystal growth theory of graphite in iron-carbon alloys
Most analysis of graphite morphology in cast iron-carbon alloys is performed on samples cooled to room temperature. This

Effect of Tin on the Phase Transformations of Cast Irons
Copper, manganese and essentially tin are used as alloying elements for obtaining cast irons with a fully pearlitic