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Growth of spheroidal graphite on nitride nuclei: disregistry and crystallinity during early growth
The graphite phase resulting from the stable solidification of iron-carbon-silicon alloys can have a variety of morphologies, from

Material compuesto metálico para proteger contra proyectiles de alta velocidad e impactos de alta energía
An attempt has been made to establish experimentally the temperature along the metastable eutectic in the Fe–C–Si system,
Grain Size Prediction Model in Aluminium Castings Manufactured by Low Pressure Technology
The grain refinement in a real casting manufactured by Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) such as wheels and

Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy
In this work the corrosion resistance of a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy is evaluated as a function of

A Quick Cycle Time Sensitivity Analysis of Boron Steel Hot Stamping
Several vehicle platforms involving the hot stamping of manufactured parts are launched every year. Mass production represents a

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel
The improvement of the corrosion resistance of spheroidal graphite iron (FGE) has been achieved through a mixed fusion

Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy
Differential thermal analysis experiments have been performed on samples machined from Y2-blocks cast with different high-silicon spheroidal graphite

WFO WORLD FOUNDRY SUMMIT 2018 – Post event report
Munduko Galdaketa Erakundeak (WFO) arrakastaz ospatu zuen Munduko Galdaketa Gailurraren lehen edizioa, azaroaren 8an eta 9an, Erroman (Italia).

Proceso de mecanizado fiable mediante uso intensivo de modelización y monitorización del proceso: enfoque 2025
En este trabajo se abarcan tres aspectos destacables. En primer lugar, una visión global para el proceso de

Cast components in super duplex alloys-intercomparison between bench moulding and 3D printing
This research work is focused on the application of sand moulds made with 3D printing technology to manufacture
Burdina urtuzko magnesio aktiboa kontrolatzeko metodoa
The present invention relates to a method for controlling if the amount of active magnesium in a treated

Effect of Silicon and Graphite Degeneration on High-Temperature Oxidation of Ductile Cast Irons in Open Air
The use of high silicon ductile irons is increasing as they offer some advantages with respect to conventional

A Comparative Study of Graphite Growth in Cast Iron and in Analogous Systems
Crystallization of graphite during the solidification and cooling of cast iron to room temperature has been the object

Rapid determination of nodularity index in ductile cast iron production
One of the most important facts in foundry industry when producing ductile iron castings is the rapid determination

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron
Gray iron, a Fe-C-Si alloy, is one of the most common ferrous alloys used in the metal casting

Integration of a novel mechanical sand reclamation technology in a steel foundry to maximise SFS valorisation in foundry and construction applications
Spent Foundry Sand (SFS) generation is intrinsic to metal casting processes. Most of the foundries use sand moulds