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Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique
In this study, a chromium carbide layer was fabricated by an in-situ casting technique on ductile iron cast
90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron
Since its first literature mention in conjunction with cast iron in 1931 by Esser and Lautenbusch, thermal analysis
Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters
A melt maintained for hours in a press pour unit allowed the following changes over time from spheroidal
Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron
To further understand the influence of subversive elements on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite, melts with antimony
Reply to Comment on Stefanescu, D.M.; Alonso, G.; Suarez, R. Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys. Metals 2020, 10, 221
In their comments, Lacaze and Castro-Roman [1] seek to correct some statements that we made in our recent
Graphite Nucleation in Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
During the last several decades, a multitude of theories have attempted to explain the process of graphite nucleation
Method and device for obtaining and testing properties of sand casting mold
The present invention relates to a method for evaluating the mechanical properties of sand molds which comprises subjecting,
Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys
The last decade has witnessed significant research efforts directed to the understanding of nucleation and crystallization of graphite
Quantitative analysis of the effect of inoculation and magnesium content on compacted graphite irons – Experimental approach
In many industrial domains, compact graphite cast irons are developing rapidly at the expense of lamellar graphite irons.
Effect of Magnesium on the Solid-State Nucleation and Growth of Graphite During Annealing of White Iron
It is well-established that growth of spheroidal graphite occurs in several stages such as directly in the liquid,
Biki digitalak workshop-a
AZTERLANeko 4.0 industriako aditu eta Fabrikazio Teknologia Adimendunen lantaldeko buru Javier Nieves doktoreak industria konektaturako zenbait giltz partekatu
Effect of titanium in the nucleation process of spheroidal and compacted graphite cast iron
Nucleation and growth phenomena that control the solidification directly affect the soundness and the mechanical properties of the
Microstructure Changes During Solidification of Cast Irons: Effect of Chemical Composition and Inoculation on Competitive Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Growth
Amongst the most important graphite shapes, nodules and compacted particles are of particular interest as they can coexist
Altzairuaren beroko estanpazioan zehar itzalketa monitorizatzeko sistema eta metodoa
A system and method of quenching monitoring during steel hot stamping is presented, based on real-time measurements of
Influence of different inoculants on the nucleation potential and the contraction ability of the ductile iron
The use of advanced control systems based on cooling curves allows to analyse the characteristics of the melt
Device and method for improved cooling of a metallic alloy in a sand mold
The device comprises a sand mold with an inner cavity fillable with a metallic alloy to be solidified