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Effect of the magnesium treatment on the nucleation potential of ductile iron
It is well known that the metallurgical quality and nucleation potential of a cast iron are influenced by
Mazarota 2D optimizatua
Solución Fundición de Hierro Mazarota 2D® optimizada Concepto optimizado de mazarota para mejorar el rendimiento de placa en
Alu-Q® – Aluminio urtuaren kalitatearen ebaluazioa
Aluminio galdaketa Alu-Q® Aluminio-aleazioen metalurgia-kalitatea ebaluatzeko ekipoa. Ziurtatu auminio likidoaren kalitatea, akatsik gabe fabrikatzeko. Informazio gehiago Kalitate bermatuko
SALOMON – Prozesuko datuen aldagai anitzeko azterketa
FABRIKAZIO ADIMENDUNA SALOMON Aldagai-anitzeko azterketa sistema osagarri metalikoen fabikaziorako Adimen artifiziala eta osagai metalikoen garapenari aplikatutako sistema kognitiboak.
Apparatus and method of forming countersinks and/or mouse holes in a stamped high strength aluminium sheet
Method of forming countersinks and/or mouse holes comprising the steps of obtaining by stamping a sheet of a
Akatsen diagnostikoa eta analisia
ESPEZIALIZAZIO-EREMUA Akatsaren Diagnostikoa eta Analisia Zerbitzuetako akatsen, arazo funtzionalen eta fabrikazio-akatsen jatorriaren azterketa. Diziplina anitzeko azterketa Ezagutza metalurgikoan
Inokulazio-prozesua, nikel-oinarriko aleazio baten alea fintzeko
An inoculation process of a nickel base alloy, wherein the process is carried out in a vacuum furnace
Pieza forjatuen lineako tratamendu termikoa
FABRIKAZIO PROZESU ERAGINKORRAK Pieza forjatuen lineako tratamendu termikoa Piezen hondar-beroa aprobetxatzea suberaketa-tratamendu termiko eraginkorragoa egiteko. %10 energia aurreztea
Industria-honakinen kudeaketa aurreratua
ESPEZIALIZAZIO-EREMUA Industria-hondakinen kudeaketa aurreratua eta balioztatzea Balorizazio-bide berriak Hondakinen sailkapena Minimizatzeko estrategiak Informazio gehiago Ingurumen-kudeaketa hobetzeko estrategiak, prebentziotik
Combustion of a Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Produced from the Polymeric Fraction of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR)
The use of alternative fuels derived from residues in energy-intensive industries that rely on fossil fuels can cause
New generation of digital material for automotive components
Ni-Cr-Si-Fe-B self-fluxing alloys are commonly used in hardfacing applications; in addition, they are subjected to conditions of wear,
Antifragile Philosophy in R&D Projects: Applying Q Methodology and the Possibility of Open Innovation
Antifragile philosophy can be the key to improving the management of organizations that base their activity on research
Influence of Minor Alloying Element Additions on the Crack Susceptibility of a Nickel Based Superalloy Manufactured by LPBF
Inconel 738LC (IN738LC) is a nickel-based superalloy specially used in the hot section components of turbine engines. One
The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron
An attempt has been made to establish experimentally the temperature along the metastable eutectic in the Fe–C–Si system,
Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry
Cast irons are widely used in the automotive industry due to its excellent castability, fluidity, machinability and wear
Finite difference modelling for understanding the hydrogen assisted cracking in virtual slow strain rate tensile tests
Different hydrogen-induced cracking patterns have been observed on two construction steels belonging to the same strength grade for