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Is Thermal Analysis Able to Provide Carbon and Silicon Contents of Cast Irons?
The determination of silicon and carbon contents by thermal analysis is based on the recording of a cooling
Guideline to improve machinability in ductile iron casting
open resource GUIDELINES FOR MACHINABILITY IMPROVEMENT IN DUCTILE IRON A helpful resource to address machnability issues. Get the
A Smart Digital Twin to Stabilize Return Sand Temperature without Using Coolers
In order to ensure the optimal state of recovered molding sand inside a foundry, it is necessary to
Chemical Composition and Melt Treatment Optimization of 5XXX and 6XXX Alloys for Ablation Technology
One of the most interesting capabilities of ablation technology is its capability to manufacture uncastable alloys such as
Influence of the Holding Time in the Heating/Pouring Unit on the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron
The final metallurgical quality of a ductile iron is determined by the components of the metallic charge, as
New ductile cast iron digital grades for automotive components
This research paper demonstrate that new cast iron grade materials can be developed aided by an expert digital
Melt Treatment Optimization of 5XXX and 6XXX Alloys for Ablation Technology
Ablation technology is an emerging casting technology which presents several advantages associated to the high cooling rate that
Towards the Prediction of Tensile Properties in Automotive Cast Parts Manufactured by LPDC with the A356.2 Alloy
Aluminum-silicon-magnesium alloys are commonly used in the automotive industry to produce structural components. Among usual quality controls of
Galda-osagarrien kontrol eta kalitate-iragarpen sistemen eboluzioa analisi termikoaren bidez
Galdaketan ohikoa den arazoetako bat da metalaren konposizio kimiko berarekin edo oso antzekoarekin emaitza desberdinak lor daitezkeela piezen
The effect of the substitution of Silicon by Aluminum on the properties of lamellar graphite iron
In cast iron, silicon and aluminum are elements that promote graphite precipitation and strengthen the alloy by solid
Al Gray Iron
Material berria Al Gray Iron Ezaugarri mekaniko hobedun budin-grisa. Erresistentzia altuagoa gogortasun moderatuekin Difusibitate termiko altua Karburorik ez
Silizio altuko galda-osagaien fabrikazio industriala
Solución Fundición de Hierro Sistema de fabricación industrial fundición alto silicio Asegura una fabricación en serie sin defectos.
Ordenagailu Bidezko Tomografia Axiala
SAIAKUNTZA NABARMENDUA Ordenagailu bidezko Tomografia Axiala Osagai metalikoen osotasuna 3Dn irudikatzea. Informazio gehiago Aztertu zure piezen guztizko bolumena,
Casting Defects in Sand-Mold Cast Irons—An Illustrated Review with Emphasis on Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons
Cast irons are known to be easy to shape by sand casting due to their high eutectic fraction.
Probing the correlation between corrosion resistance and biofouling of thermally sprayed metallic substrata in the field
The correlation between inherent corrosion resistance and biofouling was investigated for five different metallic coatings. Steel panels thermally
Tensile properties and fracture toughness at service temperatures of an optimized pearlitic ductile iron alloy for automotive crankshafts
Cast iron and forged steel have competed against each other for many years for different industrial applications. Crankshafts