Special Issue featuring papers from SPCI10
B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Gorka Alonso, Ramón Suarez
While the manufacture of compacted graphite (CG) iron castings has seen significant expansion over the recent years, the growth of CG during iron solidification is still not fully understood. In this work, effort was expanded to experimentally reveal the evolution of graphite shape during early solidification and its relationship to the solid fraction. To this purpose, interrupted solidification experiments were carried out on hypereutectic irons with three magnesium levels. The graphite shape factors were measured and analysed as a function of chemical composition and solid fraction. Scanning electron microscopy was carried out to establish the fraction of solid at which the transition from spheroidal graphite (SG) to CG occurs. It was confirmed that solidification started with the development of SG for all CG irons. The SG-to-CG transition was considered to occur when the SG developed a tail (tadpole graphite). The findings were integrated in previous knowledge to attempt an understanding of the solidification of CG iron.
Gorka Alonso, Doru M. Stefanescu (The Ohio State University and The University of Alabama), Pello Larrañaga, Ramón Suárez.
Burdina urtua, solidotzea, grafito trinkotua duen burdina, grafito esferoidala, grafitoaren hazkundea.
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