A Smart Digital Twin to Stabilize Return Sand Temperature without Using Coolers

In order to ensure the optimal state of recovered molding sand inside a foundry, it is necessary to avoid temperature peaks and to ensure optimal humidity conditions prior to reusing the sand. Sand that is too hot or without optimal moisture can cause production delays due to a long mixing process, excessive consumption of raw materials, or poor agglutination. To ensure a stable and optimal sand temperature, many foundries choose to incorporate coolers into their process, however, it is a solution that is not always viable, either due to their high cost or a lack of space within the facility. Another solution is to incorporate water sprinklers into the cooling drum which contribute by reducing the temperature of the castings and the sand, but these systems do not prevent temperature peaks from occurring. Therefore, here, we present a control methodology, based on a digital architecture that, governed by an intelligent digital twin allows us to know the real situation and the current rate of production, providing suggestions for water addition. The obtained system reduces the average temperature and its variation, as well as eliminates temperature peaks, giving a more controlled manufacturing process.


Javier Nieves, Ciro Sierra, Beñat Bravo.


Smart manufacturing, Digital twin, Industry 4.0, Sand optimization, Intelligent systems.


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