73 World Foundry Congress
B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Gorka Zarrabeitia, Pello Larrañaga, Ramón Suarez
One of the most important facts in foundry industry when producing ductile iron castings is the rapid determination of the nodularity index. The traditional methods based in the analysis of Mg content by spark spectrometry technique and/or metallographic inspection of samples taken from the mold are time consuming and do not allow fast corrections if the nodularity index is lower than the specified one. In this paper, a new approach to control nodularity index based on thermal analysis technique is presented. It is based on the shape and parameters of the cooling curve resulting from Te coated standard thermal analysis cup where an accurate amount of S and inoculant is added.
Ramón Suárez, Pello Larrañaga, Gorka Zarrabeitia, Fernando Vilela (Sakthi Portugal)
Nodularizazio indizea, analisi termikoa, hozte kurba, magnesio eza, magnesio hondarra
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