127 Metalcasting Congress
Argoitz Zabala, B+G+i, Beñat Bravo, Biki digitala, Burdin galda, Javier Nieves, Monitorizazioa
With the aim of obtaining the perfect component and manufacturing process without defects or claims, an ecosystem of applications is created. Each of them creates a virtual representation of the behavior that occurs in its control area. In this way, a group of Predictive Control Models allows anticipating possible manufacturing problems. All this, simulated thanks to current digital technologies and with a clear objective in mind, to obtain the perfect component without defects or claims, trying to eliminate operations that do not provide added value. The different software developments are responsible for the extraction, digitization of the current situation; going on to be analyzed by advanced software that, if necessary, will end up providing a plausible solution that avoids the problem detected.
Javier Nieves, Argoitz Zabala, Beñat Bravo
Biki digitala, monitorizazio aurreratua, zero akats, adimen artifiziala, prozesuaren kontrol aurreratua.
Nola lagun diezazukegu?
Manten zaitez AZTERLANeko informazioez eguneratuta
Mantendu AZTERLANeko berrien adi
Metalurgiaren eta metalen eraldatze prozesuen alor desberdinetan lantaldeak sortzen ditugu
Emaizkiguzu zure lanaren datuak eta zurekin kontaktuan jarriko gara ahalik eta bizkorren.
Partekatu zure erronka gure lantaldearekin. Hitz egiteak irtenbide posibleetara hurbildu baino ezin gaitzake egin.