This workshop (which was held online) gathered some of the latest research and innovation in the field of materials and manufacturing processes for developing longer lasting components that withstand high temperatures and thermal cycles, in order to promote less a resource-consuming manufacturing industry.
Thermal fatigue, corrosion, creep, high entropy alloys, superalloys, refractory stainless steel, energy efficiency, waste reduction
This content has been created by HiperMAT project members.
HiperMAT project has been funded by the European Union under grant agreement 958196.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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Metalurgiaren eta metalen eraldatze prozesuen alor desberdinetan lantaldeak sortzen ditugu
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Partekatu zure erronka gure lantaldearekin. Hitz egiteak irtenbide posibleetara hurbildu baino ezin gaitzake egin.