Revista de Metalurgia, vol. 46
Aitor Loizaga, Ana Fernandez, Andrea Niklas, B+G+i, Galda teknologiak, Material arinak
MechanicalpropertiesoptimizationofalloysAlSi7MgcastinginsandmouldsAbstractIn the present work the mechanical properties of the alloy AlSi7Mg were studied in order to choose a suitablecomposition and heat treatment for sand castings. The mechanical properties have been evaluated varying the contentof Mg, covering the alloys A356 and A357. The effect of heat treatment has been studied in alloy A356 varyingthe emperature and time of the precipitation heat treatment, while the dissolution treatment was kept constant.Several quality indexes have been defined which combine tensile strength, yield strength, tensile strength andelongation in order to select an adequate chemical composition and heat treatment for each application.
Aitor Loizaga, Esther De la Fuente, Andrea Niklas, J. Barrenengoa, Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo
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