NewCast Forum (GIFA 2023)
Aitor Loizaga, B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Kasandra, Susana Méndez, Zero akats
Nowadays, Foundry industries struggle to keep the competitiveness of their technology by means of more efficient processes. New technologies have allowed the collection of data, traceability and management in real time.
Thus, foundry technology is progressing in the implementation of digital twins and predictive algorithms for maximizing the yield and reduce the rejection level and energy consumption.
Nevertheless, the modelling of solidification for graphitic iron alloys has still a challenge, that should lead to the reduction of micro-shrinkage and undesirable structures such as carbides.
Azterlan proposes the convergence of thermal analysis techniques and thermal models to advance on the modelization of nucleation and solidification process. This work aims to demonstrate the coherence of both technologies to achieve a predictive system in real time for the reduction of rejection and inspection controls for defective casting segregation by its integration in the process control system.
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Metalurgiaren eta metalen eraldatze prozesuen alor desberdinetan lantaldeak sortzen ditugu
Emaizkiguzu zure lanaren datuak eta zurekin kontaktuan jarriko gara ahalik eta bizkorren.
Partekatu zure erronka gure lantaldearekin. Hitz egiteak irtenbide posibleetara hurbildu baino ezin gaitzake egin.