Andrea Niklas, B+G+i, David García, Fernando Santos, Hegoi Andonegi, Material eta prozesu bereziak, Special materials and processes, Special materials and processes
An inoculation process of a nickel base alloy, wherein the process is carried out in a vacuum furnace and comprises:
a) providing a melt of a nickel base alloy in vacuum conditions, characterized in that the inoculation process further comprises:
b) introducing an encapsulated inoculant comprising a mixture of Co3FeNb2 and CrFeNb(Ni) inside the melt of the nickel base alloy at a temperature from 1450 to 1500 °C for a period from 5 to 30 seconds,
c) immediately pouring the inoculated nickel base alloy of step b) into a mold, preferably at a temperature from 1450 to 1500 °C, and d) cooling said inoculated nickel base alloy.
Aleazio berriak, superaleazioak, Inconel 718, gogortasun hobetua, korrosioarekiko erresistentzia.
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