Metals 2018
Ana Fernandez, B+G+i, Erresistentzia handiko altzairuak, Fragilización por hidrógeno, Garikoitz Artola, Javier Aldazabal, Korrosioa
Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility ratios calculated from slow strain rate tensile tests have been employed to study the response of three high-strength mooring steels in cold and warm synthetic seawater. The selected nominal testing temperatures have been 3 °C and 23 °C in order to resemble sea sites of offshore platform installation interest, such as the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, respectively. Three scenarios have been studied for each temperature: free corrosion, cathodic protection and overprotection. An improvement on the hydrogen embrittlement tendency of the steels has been observed when working in cold conditions. This provides a new insight on the relevance of the seawater temperature as a characteristic to be taken into account for mooring line design in terms of hydrogen embrittlement assessment.
Garikoitz Artola, Alberto Arredondo (Vicinay Marine Innovación), Ana I. Fernández, Javier Aldazabal (Tecnun).
SSRT; hydrogen embrittlement; high-strength steel; cathodic protection; mooring; sea temperature effect.
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