Hot Stamping Research Scenarios from the Last Decade

Hot stamping technology has shown a significant scientific yield in the last decade. The research activity in that field has spread across several disciplines such as materials science, mechanics, process engineering, instrumentation, physics, or part-tool design engineering. Some recent publications have gathered this richness in the format of scientific reviews. This work is aimed to draw a picture of this scientific production in bibliometric terms, which are complementary to the existing reviews. The literature is, in this case, approached from different angles: geographical, collaborative, disseminative, and keyword-based. The first one leads to mapping the share of each region worldwide in advance of the hot stamping technology in terms of scientific production volume. The second angle allows identifying the most productive networks that have been established between institutions and the most influential agents in the field. The third one ranks the most influential journals and events based on citation rates, which indicates where to publish in order to achieve the highest impact. Finally, the fourth approach targets to infer research trends from assessing the keywords employed in the published scientific literature. Altogether, the results show a scenario with Asia as the major player both in volume and networking success, CHS2 as the most relevant event, and exploring alternatives to the conventional AlSi coated 22MnB5 hot stamping as a subject rising of interest.


Luis Miguel Arias, Garikoitz Artola, Igone Porto (Deusto Business School).


Bibliometric Analysis; Hot stamping; Press hardening; Die quenching.


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