Metals 2015, 5
Amaia Natxiondo, B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Jon Sertucha, Ramón Suarez
Ductile iron casting production is strongly affected by austenite and graphite distribution obtained after the solidification process. At the same time it is accepted that solidification behavior can be considered as hypo-, hyper- or eutectic depending on the chemical composition; there is still some misconception about the growth evolution of graphite nodules and about solid fraction progression. Quenching experiments were performed on two different carbon equivalent compositions using inoculated and non-inoculated thermal analysis standard samples with the aim of freezing the existing phases at different solid fractions for each alloy. As a result of these experiments, it was possible to study the structural features found at different locations of each sample and at different stages of solidification. Additionally nodule evolution during the liquid-solid transformation was also analyzed and discussed regarding the chemical and processing characteristics of the prepared alloys.
Amaia Natxiondo, Ramón Suárez, Jon Sertucha, Pello Larrañaga
solidotzea, fundizio harikorrak, tenplatze-esperimentuak, grafito-noduluak, frakzio solidoa, austenita.
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