The tip has at least one leading edge and is secured to the forwardmost part of a plough share. Starting from this premise the tip comprises a base part (1) made from moulded steel material in combination with at least one insert made from widia material embedded in at least one end zone of the base part (1), said end zone corresponding to the respective leading edge of the tip. The widia-material inserts are initially positioned in specific zones in the mould cavity in order for said cavity then to be filled with poured steel material, in which said widia material will become embedded, such that, upon solidification of the assembly, the tip of the invention will be formed.
Ana Isabel Fernández, J.C. Arratibel (Bellota Agrisolutions S.L.).
Nekazaritza, widia, higadurarekiko erresistentzia, goldea, altzairu moldekatua, erremintaren diseinua, erremintaren fabrikazioa, moldearen diseinua.
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