Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 2022
In this work, the friction stir weldability of two structural high-pressure die casting aluminum alloys designed to manufacture thin-walled automotive components is investigated and compared. AlSi10MnMg and AlMg4Fe2 alloys were friction stir welded at a high welding speed (from 500 to 2000 mm/min) for a fixed rotation speed of 1500 RPM. The investigation was performed by studying the material flow influence on defect formation and microstructure, the mechanical properties of the welds and the forces that act during the friction stir welding process. The AlSi10MnMg alloy shows a lower incidence of defects than the AlMg4Fe2 alloy at all welding speeds investigated. Both materials present a great friction stir welding performance at 500 mm/min with a high joint efficiency in terms of ultimate tensile strength: 92% in AlSi10MnMg alloy and 99% in AlMg4Fe2 alloy.
Javier Vivas (LORTEK), Ana I. Fernández-Calvo, Egoitz Aldanondo (LORTEK), Uxue Irastorza (LORTEK), Pedro Álvarez (LORTEK)
igurtzi-agitazio bidezko soldadura; materialen fluxua; goi-presioko egiturazko presioko galdaketa; aluminio-aleazioa; prozesu-indarrak; baterako eraginkortasuna; soldadura-eraketa
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