Materials today proceedings 2015
Aluminioa, Ana Fernandez, Analisi termikoa, Andrea Niklas, Anna Regordosa, Asier Bakedano, B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Jon Sertucha, Material arinak, Sergio Orden, Sergio Orden, Urko de la Torre
Primary AlSi10MnMg alloy is widely used for manufacturing of high ductility VPDC castings. This alloy combines low Fe with high Mn level to guarantee good ductility. Secondary alloys are cheaper but they contain a higher Fe content, which is detrimental to the ductility. Microadditions based on Mn have been found very effective in formation of less harmful α- iron compounds.
In this study the effect of microstructure and casting defects on mechanical properties has been investigated in secondary alloy with 0.62%Fe and moderate Mn. Mechanical properties similar to the primary alloy were obtained when specimens were free from casting defects.
Andrea Niklas, Asier Bakedano, Sergio Orden, M. da Silva (Fundació Privada Ascamm and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), E. Nogués (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo.
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