Materials Science and Technology vol. 28
B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Jacques Lacaze, Jon Sertucha, Ramón Suarez
The development of low temperature applications for ferritic nodular cast irons calls for improved materials in the as cast state, e.g. for off-shore windmills components. Within this line of work, a series of 68 castings were prepared with the same casting procedure and slight changes in composition. The tensile properties at room temperature, as well as the impact energy for rupture at room temperature, −20°C and −40°C, were measured. Outputs from multivariate analysis performed on the data are then discussed and compared to literature results, putting emphasis on the properties of the ferritic matrix.
Jon Sertucha, Jacques Lacaze, Jaume Serrallach, Ramón Suárez, F. Osuna (INFUN S.A.).
Galdaketa nodularra, Matrize ferritikoa, Propietate mekanikoak, Tenperatura baxua, Inpaktu-propietateak.
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