B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Coldmold, EP3539687A1, Erabili eta botatzeko moldea, Galda, Hareazko moldea, Hoztea, Jon Sertucha, Patente, Pello Larrañaga, Ramón Suarez
The device comprises a sand mold with an inner cavity fillable with a metallic alloy to be solidified inside the inner cavity, thermal energy extracting means embedded at least partially in the sand mold and comprising at least a conduct and a coolant inside the conduct, movable in the conducts for extracting heat from the metallic alloy. A method is proposed comprising the steps of providing a sand mold comprising an inner cavity, providing thermal energy extracting means, the thermal energy extracting means comprising at least a conduct, placing the thermal energy extracting means at least partially embedded in the sand mold, filling the inner cavity with a metallic alloy to be solidified inside the inner cavity and circulating a coolant inside the conduct for extracting heat from the metallic alloy.
Pello Larrañaga, Jon Sertucha, Ramón Suárez.
Fundición de hierro, Moldes de arena.
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Metalurgiaren eta metalen eraldatze prozesuen alor desberdinetan lantaldeak sortzen ditugu
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