Materials Science Forum 649
Aluminioa, Ana Fernandez, Andrea Niklas, B+G+i, Galda teknologiak, Jacques Lacaze, Material arinak
Both thermal analysis (TA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) have been used since long to evaluate latent heat release and solid fraction evolution during solidification of metallic alloys. TA makes use of cooling curves recorded under “natural” cooling while DTA consists in recording the temperature difference between the sample temperature and an inert reference during a controlled cooling, i.e. at imposed constant cooling rate. In both cases, the solid fraction evolution is deduced from a calculation of the latent heat release as estimated by means of a heat transfer model. This paper provides a comparison of such evaluations performed on one Al-Si alloy.
Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo, Andrea Niklas, Jacques Lacaze (CIRIMAT)
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Metalurgiaren eta metalen eraldatze prozesuen alor desberdinetan lantaldeak sortzen ditugu
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