International Journal of Metal Casting, vol. 7
Analisi termikoa, Anna Regordosa, B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Konformatze Teknologiak, Galda teknologiak, Jon Sertucha, Urko de la Torre
IK4-Azterlan is a metallurgical research centre with broad experience in casting and solidification technologies for cast iron, steel and aluminium alloys. The entity provides basic and applied research transfer by close collaboration with foundry industries and other universities and (research) centres. As a member of the IK4-Research Alliance, Azterlan is engaged in long-term activities studying and modeling solidification in casting process, liquid metal treatment procedures and the development of new alloys with enhanced performance. Other fields of interest for IK4-Azterlan are on the use of artificial intelligent networks for solving foundry problems and the development of metal quality predictive tools.
Urko de la Torre, Jon Sertucha, Anna Regordosa, Jacques Lacaze
Kalitate metalurgikoa, tresna prediktiboak, modelizatua
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