Metals 2023
Asier Bakedano, B+G+i, Konforma, Konformatze Teknologiak, Konformazio teknologiak, Material arinak
In this study, the Near Solidus Forming (NSF) process, which falls under the umbrella of semi-solid processes, was utilized to coforge an AISI 316 tube and an AISI 3415 rod into an as-forged valve geometry. The billet used for the process was kept as large as possible to increase the contact surface area between the two materials. The process was carried out at 1360 °C in a single stroke, almost completely filling the geometry. No joining was observed in areas where low strains were expected, but in regions with medium to high strains, cross-diffusion of 2–7 μm was observed. The presence of small oxide particles was also observed in the joint due to the bimetallic billet shape.
Gorka Plata (Mondragón Univertsitatea), Olaia Gordo-Burgoa (Mondragón Univertsitatea), Jokin Lozares (University of Deusto), Andrea Sánchez (Fundación Idonial), Asier Bakedano, Iñaki Hurtado (Mondragón Univertsitatea), Carl Slater (University of Warwick)
Altzairu herdoilgaitza; NSF; lotura; biomateriala; forjaketa
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