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Strategic Allies

Technology transfer is part of AZTERLAN’s reason for being. Within this development and knowledge transfer strategy, strategic collaboration with companies and scientific-technological agents of national and international reference is especially promoted.

Universities and organizations

Spin offs

MESHIND. Metal Stamping & Hot Industry S.L.

Metal Stamping & Hot Industry S.L., MESHIND, was born with the main objective of responding to important market needs, with great development potential through the application of innovative technology: Laser Cladding.

AZTERLAN R&D&i and the company ESTAMPACIONES DURANGO, S.A. participateed in its creation by joining the knowledge of a Technology Center specialized in metallurgy and metal transformation processes with the vision and industrial capacity of a company in the stamping sector.

TELUR Geotermia y Agua, S.A.

TELUR Geotermia y Agua, S.A., Telur,is a company dedicated to the development of high-power closed-circuit geothermal exchange projects (over 100 kW), from the initial research, with the selection of the ideal technology, to the optimization of the operation of the installation. Geothermal energy is a renewable, safe and sustainable source of energy.

TQC Technologies, S.L.

Thermal Quality Control Technologies, develops metallurgical quality control technologies and control of process parameters that allow improving the competitive capacity of foundries in close collaboration with AZTERLAN R&D&i. As part of its core, TQC Technologies produces consumables for the control of active Mg in the manufacturing process through the use of the Thermolan® tool, for which it has the ISO 9001 certificate.

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Get in touch with Andoni

Contacta con Ramón

Contacta con Xabier

Contact with Maider Muro

Contact with Dr. Urko de la Torre

Contact with Dra. Anna Regordosa

Contact with Aitor Loizaga

Contact with Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez

Contact with Ander Areitioaurtena.

Contact with David Aristondo.

Contact with Juan J. Bravo.

Contact with David Garcia.

Contact with Jose Ramon.

Contact with Oihana.

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Contact with David.

Contact with Ibon.

Contact with Hegoi.

Contact with Itziar.

Contact with Erika.

Contact with Beñat.

Contact with John.

Contact José Javier.