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Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) Alternative Material for High-Performance Applications

Austempered ductile iron (ADI) grades are standardized, and the requirements of current international standards (EN 1564-12/ASTM A897-15) are given terms of conventional mechanical properties, such as hardness and tensile strength. Nevertheless, these properties do not show the real potential of the ADI grades. In order to promote the use of ADI parts in place of other materials, this work proposes a comparison between GJS-900-8 and GJS-1200-3 grades, both in terms of conventional and advanced mechanical properties, employing stress intensity factors and critical CTODs (Crack Tip Opening Displacement). This study is completed with mechanical fatigue testing, so that it can be shown that the service life of ADI parts is comparable to that given by other heavier and more expensive options.


Garikoitz Artola (AZTERLAN), Ibai Gallastegi (AZTERLAN), Julián Izaga (AZTERLAN), M. Barreña (Adilan Group), Arron Rimmer (ADI Treatments Ltd.).


Austempered ductile iron, ADI, fracture mechanics, fatigue, alternative materials.


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