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Re-accreditation of IK4-Azterlan as a Research Center within the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System

IK4-Azterlan has been quite active in the intense phase of restructuring the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System carried out by the Basque Government during the last two years, in close cooperation with the members of IK4-Research Alliance and following the new guidelines set by the Government for the re-accreditation as a Multi-Technology Research Center.


A recognition as a Research, Development and Innovation agent with multi technological performance capabilities and focused on various economic and business sectors, that will allow IK4-Azterlan to continue developing further on its research work and support to the metal mechanical industry, by its specialization in metallurgy and in the different metallic material transformation technologies.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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Contact with Juan J. Bravo.

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Contact José Javier.