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Second edition of the Master of Innovation in Casting Technology – iCast Master

iCast Master has recently begun its activities to provide a high level specialization and expertise in casting technologies, counting with the active collaboration of IK4-Azterlan Metallurgical Research Center.


Coordinated by Mondragon University, in addition to the “capita selecta” given by specialists from MU, Edertek, Tecnalia and IK4-Azterlan, the Master will feature technical seminars by experts from leading companies directly involved in the casting technology, such as Foseco, Casti, Müller-Weingarten, Indefunsa, Metall Improvement Company, PCB, ITP, Izasa/Krautkramer, Stadler, TTT, Ikerlan, Horiba Jobin Yvon, GTT-Tecnologies, PTW-UFS, PSA, Ceramtec – SPK, Solintek, Flowscience, FES-CES, Sefatec, Orni, Lizuan, Sariki, Infaimond, UGS, Ecofond, and ASK-Chemicals, among others.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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