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IK4-AZTERLAN is actively involved in the technical capacitation of young vocational training students under the program Hiru+

This novel and advanced experience allows students to complete their dual vocational training with a temporary stage in a technology center that facilitates the acquisition of new skills and innovation dynamics in specific technical areas.


The stage of Unai Bengoetxea  in the Metallurgical Technical Center IK4-AZTERLAN (studies in the Technical School ZULAIBAR Arratiako Lanbide Ikastetxea, combining during several months his dual training in the company EKIN S. COOP.  and in IK4-AZTERLAN) has allowed to contribute satisfactorily to the development of specific knowledge and skills in the field of metallurgy and advanced characterization of metallic materials.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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Contact with Maider Muro

Contact with Dr. Urko de la Torre

Contact with Dra. Anna Regordosa

Contact with Aitor Loizaga

Contact with Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez

Contact with Ander Areitioaurtena.

Contact with David Aristondo.

Contact with Juan J. Bravo.

Contact with David Garcia.

Contact with Jose Ramon.

Contact with Oihana.

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Contact José Javier.