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II International Technical Forum on Heat Treatment

IK4-AZTERLAN hosted the second edition of this important international framework that counted with the participation of around 80 professionals and specialists from more than 45 companies, with a full working program focused on the heat treatment technologies and their application to metallic components.


The conference program of this international technical event celebrated last June 23, has allowed to share among participants the latest advances and developments of the heat treatment technologies, with specific applications in the field of ferrous and non-ferrous materials.

We would like to highlight the cooperation of first level technicians and specialists from the companies ADI TREATMENTS Ltd., OERLIKON LEYBOLD VACUUM, INDUCTOTHERM-ONDARLAN, ARROLA HORNOS Y SERVICIOS S.L.L., SECO WARWIK, ESI GROUP, ANÁLISIS Y SIMULACIÓN, SUMINISTRO Y CALIBRACIÓN INDUSTRIAL S.L., EUROTHERM, along with researchers from the IK4-AZTERLAN, that shared some of the main research efforts performed by the Metallurgical Technical Center in this field.

                                           A high number of technicians and specialists have shared the second edition of this International Forum, with a remarkable participation of companies

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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