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GESTAMP and IK4-AZTERLAN share efforts to increase the operation lifetime of the stamping tools

A workteam formed by Gestamp North Europe Division technicians and IK4-Azterlan Technology Center researchers has worked for two years to develop anti-wear solutions for special forming tools.


Tools’ durability is a critical factor in the profitability of the metal-mechanic transformation processes. Regardless of the nature of the production technology used, the wear failure has a great impact and concern for the industry.

The DURATOOL project has addressed this problem by exploring new solutions to increase the lifetime operation of tools under severe abrasive conditions. Financed by the Basque Government’s GAITEK 2015 and HAZITEK 2016 programs, this important project has led to the development and the  implementation of different improvement strategies directly linked to the forming technologies and to the metallurgical properties of the metallic materials involved.

The promising results obtained at laboratory scale have allowed the transfer of new anti-wear solutions on an industrial scale.

                              Inserts used in industrial testing.                                                         Wear resistance structures developed within the DURATOOL Project



Azterlan Team
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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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