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IK4-AZTERLAN takes part in the BEROA-GO research and development project whose main objective is to recover radiant heat from industrial manufacturing processes

The Metallurgical Research Center focuses its activity on the design of the heat collector and on the development of coatings and substrates that make feasible the technology.


IK4-AZTERLAN takes part in the BEROA-GO collaborative project targeting the improvement of the competitiveness level of the industry through energy efficiency. This project aims to develop heat collecting applications and coatings that will capture radiant energy emitted by parts and equipment at high temperature, in order to recover and reuse that heat radiation.

After a first approach to look for alternative solutions and analyze their technical feasibility, the project is now in its second phase that includes the design of the heat collector, the development of coatings and substrates along with the calculation of the impact of this proposal on the industry. A first prototype of the system is planned for 2018.

The BEROA-GO project, financed by the Basque Government’s ELKARTEK program (support for collaborative research in strategic areas), is coordinated by Tecnalia and has the participation of a distinguished team of researchers from IK4-Azterlan, IK4-Cidetec, IK4-Ikerlan, IK4-Tekniker technology centers, CIC Energigune and the UPV / EHU (University of the Basque Country).


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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