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Workshop “Cybersecurity in industrial applications: current situation and trends”

This meeting organized by the IK4-Research Alliance will take place on October 17th at the Orona Fundazioa facilities (Gipuzkoa). Experts on cybersecurity will share experiences and strategies related to the security of communications and the information exchanged in the industrial environment, related to the implementation of industry systems 4.0.


The event has a program of maximum interest, which includes presentations by experts like Daimler Trucks (whose lecture will focus on cyber-attacks), and researchers from the technology centers Ceit-IK4, IK4-Ikerlan and Vicomtech-IK4.

Likewise, the event will work as a framework to present the ​​industrial cybersecurity strategies developed by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government. These strategies will be presented by Mrs.Ainhoa ​​Aizpuru, Deputy Regional Minister for Economic Promotion, Rural Environment and Territorial Equilibrium, and Mrs. Estíbaliz Hernáez, Vice-Minister for Innovation, Technology and Competitiveness


Related blogpost: “Cyber-security, the forgotten item in Industry” 4.0  (Ph.D. Javier Nieves)


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