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IK4-AZTERLAN collaborates in the Foundry Handbook published by the ASM International

The most recent publication within the prestigious bibliographic series of metallurgy handbooks, includes a full chapter written by the researchers of IK4-AZTERLAN Pello Larrañaga and Ramón Suárez. The Foundry Handbook is published by the American Society for Metals International (ASM International), an association that englobes materials scientists and engineers, whose mission is the dissemination of technical publications on various types of materials.


ASM International is the most well-known association dedicated to the generation of technical content on materials, both for the scientific and for the business world. To this purpose, it counts with the collaboration of international experts in the different areas of knowledge related to the science and technology of the materials. It also works as a meeting point for researchers and professionals providing access to reliable and quality resources and knowledge within the field of materials.

ASM International publishes the best and most complete manuals on ferrous and non-ferrous materials branded as “ASM Handbook®”, as a part of a series of 35 volumes, which cover all the disciplines of these materials (science and manufacturing technologies, properties, thermal and surface treatments, corrosion, etc.). These handbooks are a reputable source of reference aimed at professionals from the scientific and industrial communities.

Edited by Doru Stefanescu, emeritus professor at the Ohio State University and at the University of Alabama, the book  “ASM Handbook, Volume 1A: Cast Iron Science and Technology” (ISBN: 978-1-62708-026-2) has been edited in the year 2017 with the collaboration of more than 92 authors. This latest publication includes the collaboration of the researchers Pello Larrañaga and Ramón Suárez, members of the Metallurgical Processes R&D area from IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre.

Under the title “Melt Quality Control: Thermal Analysis”, the chapter describes the main applications of thermal analysis and cooling curves for the control and optimization of the characteristics of molten metals and casting processes. This information allows to take advantage of an increasingly demanded tool in the casting industry that provides relevant information about the quality of the metal in the production of cast components, in order to meet the customers’ strict requirements, not being possible to obtain through different manufacturing technologies.

IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre researchers Ramón Suárez (left) and Pello Larrañaga (ringht)


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