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An important delegation of Japanese foundries visits IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre

During their visit to the Technology Centre the participants got to know the latest advances developed by IK4-AZTERLAN in the field of foundry technologies. The different capacities of the Centre, highly specialized in metallurgy and the diverse transformation processes of metallic materials, were also presented to this relevant visit.


On July the 3rd IK4-AZTERLAN received the visit of a notable Japanese delegation of 54 experts from the foundry industry. Coordinated by the JAPAN FOUNDRY SOCIETY in collaboration with FUNDIGEX (Spanish Casting ExportersŽ Association), the visit to IK4-AZTERLAN was framed within a several-days visit that the delegation members were performing with the aim of getting first-hand information about the foundry industry of our country.

Mr. Aitor Loizaga, coordinator of the Ferrous Materials research line of IK4-AZTERLAN, shared with the delegation members some of the latest developments of the Centre regarding the predictive control systems and the implementation of 4.0 technologies for a “more robust and efficient manufacturing under the zero defect philosophy”. After this presentation the group visited the facilities of the technology center, a European-level reference on foundry technologies.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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