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V Technical Forum on Heat Treatment

Organised by the AZTERAN Metallurgy Research Centre and Tabira Foundry Institute, this latest edition of TRATER DAY will have the participation of professionals from companies and organisations of reference in the heat treatment industry.


The industry faces the main challenge of proposing highly innovative solutions that improve the characteristics of the manufactured components, getting more durable, flexible and lightweight solutions.

Th 5th edition of this Technical Forum on Heat Treatment is once again oriented towards improving the technological and competitive position of the companies of the metal-mechanical industry, gathering significat technological innovations coming from the latest developments in the field of heat treatments. With this purpose, the meeting will gather speakers from companies like ADI Treatments Ltd., Nippon Gases, Nordsim, GH Induction, GHI Hornos Industriales and Metalestalki, as well as from technology centres, members of BRTA, AZTELAN and Tekniker as well as from A3TS French Heat Treatments Society.

A whole day program

The Forum will be held on March 25th on-line, divided into two working sessions: morning (10:00-12:15) and afternoon (15:00-17:15). The whole program and the registration system .

TRATER DAY is a technical event of reference and gathering pint for professionals, technicians and researcher teams that are specialised in the latest advances and innovations in the field of heat treatments (tempering technologies, surface treatments, characterisation, measuring, coatings, etc.), as well as leading companies that apply them (automitiv, wind energy, railway, aerospace, foundry, among others).


are available here 

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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