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Basque Government 2022 aid plan for SMEs

Next Thursday, May 5th, the companies from Durangaldea will have the opportunity to receive first-hand information about the 2022 aid plan for SMEs of the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment of the Basque Government. In collaboration with the Commonwealth of Durangaldea, the presentation will take place at Landako Elkartegia de Durango (Avenida Landako, 4), from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


The conference will feature the participation of Aitor Urzelai, CEO of the SPRI Group; Leyre Madariaga, Director of Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship; Ana Camacho, director of Industry and Energy Transition; Ainhoa ​​Ondarzabal, Director of BTI- Basque Internationalization Agency; Iñigo Ansola, director of the Basque Energy Entity; Alex Boto, Director of Ihobe; and Raul Perez, Director of Quality and Food Industries, who will break down the details of the programs in their respective areas, so that companies can find out each of the aid lines and find the one that best suits their needs.

A networking space Will take place as well among participants.

Inscription and additional information is available in the following e-mail address behargintza@dma.eus​ or in the telephone number 94 623 25 22.

More information here.

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