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Technical session: “Transition towards E-mobility. Opportunities, challenges and threats for the local industry”

This framework took place at Azterlan on May 19th, with the main objective of sharing the conclusions and results of the analysis and contrast work carried out in a collaborative environment between companies, agents and local institutions, related to the irruption of the electric vehicle and its impact on the local industry.

“Electromobility” is already a fact that is introducing important changes in the automotive industry and throughout its entire value chain. The important local manufacturing activity linked to the automotive sector, is being affected by the productive implications of the emergence of this phenomenon.

This framework has allowed to share some keys of the current complex scenario and the implications of the change that the entire value chain from the automotive sector is undergoing, directly related to the development and introduction of the electric vehicle. Although it is true that any forecast that goes beyond the short term is subject to the unpredictable and uncontrollable changes of a globalized world, an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of the movements of the sector is necessary, with special relevance to the role played by OEMs and other regulatory agents in the market, who have introduced a change in their production strategies oriented towards e-mobility.

The commitment to the electric vehicle has an impact on all those companies involved in the supply chain of components from the “power train” and the “drive train” of internal combustion vehicles, which will have to review their strategies and adapt their capabilities in order to face this important market change, opening up as well opportunities in different technological areas, such as electric motors, power electronics, batteries and their corresponding subsystems, sensors and all the infrastructures linked to intelligent and interconnected mobility.

The second part of the session allowed to share some of the conclusions reached in this collaborative framework with a group of nearly 25 companies, that along with the development agencies DEK (Durango Empresen Elkimena), Fundación LEA ARTIBAI, Fundación ERROTA and the Automotive Intelligence Centre have taken part in different working dynamics (group and individual itineraries), which have allowed a more detailed analysis of the current scenario, of the weaknesses, threats, challenges and opportunities associated with the irruption of the electric vehicle.

The session included a discussion table, with the participarion of several companies that have shared some of their main concerns, uncertainties, strategies and expectations for the future.

A special recognition and message of gratitude to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, that has provided a relevant support this high value collaboration framework, in order to face the global challenges that the automotive industry will have to deal with.


Opening ceremony by Ainara Basurko (Deputy for Economic Promotion BIZKAIKO FORU ALDUNDIA) and Mieria Elkoroiribe (COMMONWEALTH OF DURANGALDEA)

Outstanding participation of local companies and agents

Round table with companies

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