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Method for predicting the structure of a part cast in an aluminium alloy

The invention relates to a method for predicting at least one first characteristic parameter of a structure of a part cast in an aluminium alloy, comprising:

  • by means of a thermal analysis technique recording a solidification curve of said alloy in a standard thermal analysis cup and obtaining a plurality of second characteristic parameters of said solidification curve of the alloy
  • obtaining said first characteristic parameter of the structure of the part using a pre-established equation that relates at least one of a plurality of first characteristic parameters of the structure of the part to the thermal modulus, MODULUS, and to at least one of said plurality of second characteristic parameters of the solidification curve, wherein the thermal modulus.

MODULUS, is calculated on the basis of a DAS parameter according to the following equation: MODULUS = DAS – a / b where a and b are constants, and the DAS parameter is the secondary dendrite arm spacing of the structure of the part.


Ana I. Fernández, Andrea Niklas, Ibon Lizarralde, Ramón Suárez.


Aluminium casting, aluminum foundry, prediction of properties, mechanical properties, thermal analysis.


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