Testing and characterization services

Quotation request

Please, fulfill this short questionaire so we can provide you the analytical proposal that fits best to your needs. We also need your contact data so we can reach it to you, also our technitians may need to contact you in case they need further details to elaborate it. If you need help with some other issue, contact with our Heads of service.

1- Information about your product/s or materials

You can attach up to 3 files with useful information about your part or material (drawings, specifications, etc.)
Allowed files: pdf, docx, xls, jpg.
Size limit: 2MB

Indicate the testing or accreditation standard(s) or reference

2- How can we help you?

Select one or various services

Keep CTRL button pressed for a multiple selection. Use same method to deselect options.

Deadline for report emission

3- Your contact data

Conocimiento metalúrgico experto

Thinking Metallurgy

“AZTERLAN Technological Services team El equipo de Servicios Tecnológicos de AZTERLAN offers a complete and robust portfolio of characterization, inspection and testing services to ensure the quality and correct performance of metallic materials, parts and structures.” 

Jose Mª Murua

José Mª Murua
Director of Technological Services

David Lopez

David López
Head of Chemical analysis department

Jose Antonio Goñi

Josean Goñi
Head of Metallurgy Department

Ibai Gallastegi

Ibai Gallastegi
Head of Corrosion analysis department

Urko Uribe

Urko Uribe
Head of Phisical and Mechanical Properties Department

Carmelo Santamarina

Carmelo Santamarina
Head of Non Destructive Testing
