Mechanical testing area

Advanced characterization of physical and mechanical properties

The AZTERLAN Physical Testing Area is designed to respond to all types of mechanical characterization tests on metallic materials, components and structures.

We rely on the most avant-garde equipment that meets the strictest requirements set by international testing standards as well as on the professionality of our team that owns a profound knowledge of both metallic materials and the needs of our customers.

International Standards of reference

UNE-EN ISO 6892-1, UNE-EN ISO 6892-2, UNE-EN ISO 6892-3, ASTM E8/E8M, ASTM E9, UNE-EN ISO 6506-1, ASTM E10, UNE-EN ISO 6507-1, ASTM E92, ASTM E384, UNE-EN ISO 6508-1, ASTM E18, UNE-EN ISO 148-1, ASTM E23, UNE-EN ISO 898-1, UNE-EN ISO 898-2, UNE-EN ISO 10275, UNE-EN ISO 15630-1, ASTM E488, BS 4449, UNE-EN ISO 15630-2, UNE-EN ISO 15630-3, ASTM A416, ASTM A1061, ASTM B557M, UNE-EN ISO 7438, ASTM E290, ASTM E21, ASTM E466, UNE-EN ISO 2639, UNE-EN 10328, UNE-EN ISO 3887, DIN 50190-3, ASTM E399, ASTM E1820, BS 7448-1:1991, BS 7448-2:1997, ISO 12135, UNE-EN ISO 15653, UNE-EN ISO 2178, UNE-EN ISO 1461, UNE-EN ISO 1463, UNE-EN ISO 10113, UNE-EN 20898-7, ISO 16047, DIN 18800-7, UNE-EN 14399-2, UNE-EN 14399-4, UNE-EN ISO 3506-1, UNE 135122, UNE 36068, UNE 36065, UNE-EN ISO 5178, UNE-EN ISO ASME IX/QW150, UNE-EN ISO 4136, UNE-EN ISO 9015-1, UNE-EN ISO 9016, ASME IX/QW170, UNE-EN ISO 5173, ASME IX/QW160, ASME IX/QW 466-1, ASTM E190, UNE-EN ISO 9017, ASME IX/QW182, UNE-EN 1561, UNE-EN 1562, UNE-EN 1563, UNE-EN 1564, ISO 16047:2005.

Check our NADCAP accreditation
Urko Uribe
Urko Uribe

Head of Mechanical Testing

Related contents

Main testing services

Get a clear visual presentation of the results of all the key parameters of the analyzes carried out.

Ensure that your components meet the requirements of the different industrial sectors based on international standards.

Know and evaluate the behavior of experimental materials and new component designs.

Ensayos de tracción 200N y 1500KN en las siguientes condiciones:

At room temperature.
At elevated temperature.
At low temperature.
At low speed.
In corrosive medium.

Compression tests from 200N to 1500KN and under the following conditions:

  • At room temperature.
  • At elevated temperature.
  • At low temperature.
  • Rockwell hardness
  • Brinell hardness
  • Vickers hardness
  • Measurement of hardened layers.
  • Tests performed in the laboratory, at customer facilities or in field.

Registered values:

  • Bending force.
  • Deformation.
  • Ductility measurement.
  • Energy range up to 300J.
  • At room temperature.
  • At low temperature (up to -196ºC).
  • Energy range up to 50J.
  • At room temperature.
  • At low temperature (up to -196ºC).
  • S-N curves of materials.
  • Component fatigue life.
  • Fatigue corrosion.
  • Crack growth.

[+] Check our comprehensive offer on “Detection, characterization and evolution of fatigue cracks”

Determination of KIC, JIC parameters, crack growth rate and CTOD.
  • At room temperature.
  • At low temperature.
  • At elevated temperature.
[+] Check our comprehensive offer on “Detection, characterization and evolution of fatigue cracks”
  • Determination of coefficients of friction.
  • Determination of optimal tightening torque.
  • Determination of tightening preload.
  • Tightening torques between 10Nm and 30,000Nm.
  • Maximum force of 3,000kN.

[+] Check our comprehensive offer on “Fastening elements”


Specialization fields

Fatigue and fracture mechanics

Analysis of the apparition and evolution of cracks.

Fastening elements

Bolts, nuts and threading elements.

Welded joints

Testing, inspection, training and much more.

Diagnosis of defects and failures in service
Forensic analysis of the origin of defects and premature failures.