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Non Destructive Testing Area

Inspection and validation of parts, batches and structures.

AZTERLAN dominates various Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques that make it possible to assess and verify the properties or the actual state of materials, components, structures or joints, without causing them any damage or deterioration.

The Non-Destructive Tests are the only ones that allow exploring the real volume of the parts, offering precise information on their soundness, and can be applied to unitary elements or batches.

The NDT services offered by AZTERLAN comply with international standards and many of them are accredited by ENAC.

International Standards of reference

ASTM E1570, ASTM E1695, ASTM E1441, ASTM E1672, ASTM E1814-9.

ISO 11971, ISO 15708-2, ISO 15708-4.

UNE-EN 10228-1, UNE-EN 12680-3, UNE-EN 13018, UNE-EN 13068-1, UNE-EN 13068-2, UNE-EN 13068-3, UNE-EN 1370, UNE-EN 26157-3, UNE-EN 9712, UNE-EN 10228-1, UNE-EN 10228-2, UNE-EN, UNE-EN 12680-3, UNE-EN 1371-1, UNE-EN 13927, UNE-EN 26157-1, UNE-EN 26157-2, UNE-EN 26157-3.

UNE-EN ISO 19232-1, UNE-EN ISO 3059, UNE-EN ISO 3452-1, UNE-EN ISO 3452-2, UNE-EN ISO 3452-3, UNE-EN ISO 5817:2014, UNE-EN ISO 9712, UNE-EN ISO 9934-1, UNE-EN ISO 9934-2, UNE-EN ISO 9934-3, UNE-EN ISO 10042:2018, UNE-EN ISO 15708-3, UNE-EN ISO 16810, UNE-EN ISO 16811, UNE-EN ISO 16827, UNE-EN ISO 17637:2017, UNE-EN ISO 19232-3, UNE-EN ISO 19232-4, UNE-EN ISO 19232-5, UNE-EN ISO 22232-1, UNE-EN ISO 22232-2, UNE-EN ISO 22232-3. 

VDG P201, VDG P202.

Carmelo Santamarina
Carmelo Santamarina

Head of Non Destructive Testing

Related contents

Main testing services

Get a clear visual presentation of the results of all the key parameters of the analyzes carried out.

Ensure that your components meet the requirements of the different industrial sectors based on international standards.

Know and evaluate the behavior of experimental materials and new component designs.

  • Ultrasound inspection and contact technique to control the manufacturing of spheroidal graphite cast parts for wind turbine components.
  • “Time of flight diffraction” (TOFD) technique as a method to detect and size internal defects in butt-weldings.
  • Contact Ultrasound tests for the inspection of welded joints.
  • Ultrasound inspection and contact technique to control railway components.
  • Tests on forged, rolled, cast steel materials.
  • Preparation of ultrasound and/or particles testing procedures by accredited level 3 personnel according to UNE-EN 473 standard.
  • Detection of superficial cracks in forged parts and fastening elements.
  • Detection of surface and sub-surface discontinuities in spheroidal graphitic cast iron parts.
  • Control of components from diverse sectors such as wind power, railway, machine tooling, automotive.
  • Preparation of magnetic particle testing procedures by level 3 accredited personnel.
  • Production control of automotive safety components.
  • Sampling tests in process control, with image registration.
  • Test on plastic materials, aluminium, steel, cast iron.
  • 2D radiographs.
  • Quantification of porosity percentage, sizing and location of internal defects.
  • External and internal dimensional measurement indoors and outdoors.
  • Reconstruction of design reverse engineering.

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  • Production control of automotive safety components.
  • Sampling tests in process control, with image registration.
  • Test on plastic materials, aluminium, steel, cast iron.
  • 3D reconstructions.
  • Quantification of porosity percentage, sizing and location of internal defects.
  • External and Internal dimensional measurement.
  • Reconstruction of design for reverse engineering.

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  • On welded joints.
  • Aluminium components.
  • Stainless steel pieces.
  • Preparation of dye-penetrant tests by accredited level 3 technicians.
  • On-site testing and in the fluorescent self-emulsifying penetrant facilities.

Specialization fields

Fastening elements

Bolts, nuts and threading elements.

Welded joints

Testing, inspection, training and much more.

Diagnosis of defects and failures in service
Forensic analysis of the origin of defects and premature failures.