Enac logotipo
Metallurgy area

Structural characterization of metallic materials

The metallurgy area has an experienced team of technicians that are specialists on specific materials and/or production processes to be analyzed.

The area carries out tests and certification characterization services as well as short and medium-term studies to determine the origin or causes of defects in components and/or failures in service.

International Standards of reference

ASTM E 8, EN ISO 6892, EN ISO 6892-1, EN ISO 6892-2, EN ISO 6892-3, EN ISO 6892-4, EN ISO 10275, EN ISO 6508, EN ISO 6507, EN ISO 6506, EN ISO 15630-1, ASTM E488, BS 4449, EN ISO 15630-2, EN ISO 15630-3, ASTM A416, ASTM A1061.

Josean Goñi
Josean Goñi

Head of the Metallurgical Area

Related contents

Main testing services

Get a clear presentation of the results of all the key parameters of the analyzes carried out, with all traceability guarantees.

Ensure that your components meet the requirements of the different industrial sectors based on international standards.

Know and evaluate the behavior of experimental materials and new component designs.


Specialization fields

Fatigue and fracture mechanics

Analysis of the apparition and evolution of cracks.

Fastening elements

Bolts, nuts and threading elements.

Welded joints

Testing, inspection, training and much more.

Diagnosis of defects and failures in service
Forensic analysis of the origin of defects and premature failures.