Corrosion and protection of materials

Accreditation and validation of materials in compliance with international standards.

The corrosion tests carried out by AZTERLAN allow the accreditation and validation of materials and protection systems (coatings and treatments) against corrosion phenomena.

The tests offered by the area are carried out mainly under international UNE, ISO and ASTM standards and according to the specifications of clients from sectors as demanding as Oil & Gas, wind energy or the automotive industry, among others.

International Standards of reference

UNE-EN ISO 6270-2, UNE-EN ISO 2178, UNE-EN ISO 2409, UNE-EN ISO 9227, UNE-EN ISO 3651-1, UNE-EN ISO 3651-2, UNE-EN ISO 17781, UNE-EN ISO 11997-1 (B), UNE-EN ISO 1461, UNE-EN ISO 1463, UNE-EN ISO 7539-2.

ASTM D2247, ASTM A262-15, ASTM A763, ASTM G28, ASTM G38, ASTM G39, ASTM G48, ASTM A92, ASTM E562, ASTM A262.method A, ASTM A923.method A, ASTM B117, ASTM D3359 (method B), UNE-EN ISO 9227, ASTM B117.

NACE TM0177 (methods A, B and C), NACE TM0284 A.

FORD CETP 00.00-L-467, CETP-L-467, VDA 621-415, VW PV 1210, VOLVO VCS 1027-1449, etc.

Ibai Gallastegi
Ibai Gallastegi

Head of Corrosion and protection

Related contents

Main testing services

Intergranular and pitting corrosion

Stainless steels and CRA (corrosion resistant alloys).
  • Aggressive media: Solutions with a high concentration of acids such as sulfuric or nitric, or with a high content of chlorides.
  • Short duration.
Estimation of mass loss and visual inspection for defects caused by corrosion, such as cracks or pitting.
They allow to certify materials that must comply with resistance characteristics against corrosion. They are necessary to validate the material and ensure its behavior in service.

Environmental testing

Metallic and non-metallic coatings on steel and other materials.
Exposure under certain temperature and humidity conditions.
Additional information combined with other coating evaluation tests: Adherence: crosscut cut according to ISO 2409. Corrosion degree according to UNE EN ISO 10289 and ASTM D610. Evaluation of defects according to UNE-EN ISO 4628.
They allow evaluating the resistance and behavior of different types of coatings against corrosion. The most commonly carried out in AZTERLAN are:

Hydrogen fragilization susceptibility in sulfhydric acid (H2S)

Low/medium alloy carbon steels in normalized state, or quenching and tempering.
Tests carried out without tension (HIC) or under tension (SSC).
Evaluation of the metallurgical quality and the manufacturing process against the generation of hydrogen cracks.
Tests for qualification of metallic materials resistant to cracking by SSC (Sulfide Stress Cracking) and HIC (Hydrogen Induced Cracking) specific for the OIL&GAS sector, according to NACE TM0177 and TM0284 standards.

Specialization fields

Fatigue and fracture mechanics

Analysis of the apparition and evolution of cracks.

Fastening elements

Bolts, nuts and threading elements.

Welded joints

Testing, inspection, training and much more.

Diagnosis of defects and failures in service
Forensic analysis of the origin of defects and premature failures.