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SALOMON – Multivariable process data analysis

Sistema de análisis multivariable para procesos de fabricación. Inteligencia artificial y sistemas cognitivos aplicados al desarrollo de componentes metálicos.

Statistical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Processing Variables on Shrinkage Incidence During Solidification of Nodular Cast Irons

Procedure for predicting the mechanical properties of pieces obtained by casting

Enhancing the stationary state prediction in Model Predictive Control systems to avoid Dross defect in heavy-section foundries

Supervised learning classification for dross prediction in ductile iron casting production

Results prediction in industrial processes. A control tool based on the Knowledge

Efficient failure-free foundry production

Advanced fault prediction in high-precision foundry production

Advanced predictions tools, foundry process control and knowledge management for irons castings

SALOMON – Multivariable process data analysis

Sistema de análisis multivariable para procesos de fabricación. Inteligencia artificial y sistemas cognitivos aplicados al desarrollo de componentes metálicos.

June 29, 2021

Statistical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Processing Variables on Shrinkage Incidence During Solidification of Nodular Cast Irons

Procedure for predicting the mechanical properties of pieces obtained by casting

Enhancing the stationary state prediction in Model Predictive Control systems to avoid Dross defect in heavy-section foundries

Supervised learning classification for dross prediction in ductile iron casting production

Results prediction in industrial processes. A control tool based on the Knowledge

Efficient failure-free foundry production

Advanced fault prediction in high-precision foundry production

Advanced predictions tools, foundry process control and knowledge management for irons castings

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