
Workshop: “Analysis of non-metallic inclusions in steel according to EN 10247 standard”

The workshop, organized with the collaboration of the company Leica Microsystems, will feature a prominent working program related to the current standards for the micrographic determination of the content of non-metallic inclusions in steels.


On June 12th IK4-Azterlan will host a technical seminar on the standard EN 10247 for micrographic determination of the content of non-metallic inclusions in steels. This standard, published in 2010, collects a good number of changes with respect to its previous version (2007) which affect both, manual methods and techniques of image analysis.

Although it is a mandatory standard in countries of the European Union, industry has not duly accepted and applied it because the results obtained cannot directly be compared with the traditional regulations (such as ATM and ISO).

In this context, the workshop aims to point out the particularities of the EN 10247 standard and to show how to adapt it to the needs and requirements of the metal-mechanic industry. Mrs. Nagore Gutierrez, advanced characterization technician of metallic materials at IK4-Azterlan Metallurgy Research Centre, will focus on the origin and influence of inclusions in steel. Subsequently, Mr. Dionís Díez and Mr. Alberto Torcal, from the company Leica Microsystems microscopy will present the different methods for image analysis and chemical analysis, the main implications of the EN 10247 standard and the latest innovations in analytical tools for a proper characterization of metals.

Check .

the agenda of the workshop here 


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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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