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WFO World Foundry Summit

The World Foundry Organization has successfully held the first edition of this outstanding international meeting in an exclusive event for CEOs and directors of foundry companies, under a high level working program aimed at sharing best practices and at visualizing future trends of key industrial sectors, promoting as well a direct contact between referent people from the global casting industry.


A total of 106 delegates from 17 countries have taken part in this working

frame to share key aspects and to shape the future development of the

foundry industry worldwide.

Representatives from Lingotes Especiales de Valladolid S.A., Betsaide S.A.L., Fundiciones de Odena S.A., Fundiciones y Sistemas Avanzados S.A., the Tabira Foundry Institute and IK4-Azterlan Technology Centre have taken part in this new working proposal from the World Foundry Organization, which is aiming to coordinate a new edition for the next year 2020.

A detailed report of the event can be obtained in this link.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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