
The SUSPIRE project develops an advanced management system that encompasses energy efficiency and optimal manufacturing in energy intensive industrial processes

SUSPIRE project’s target is to create an effective integrated energy recovery system (equipment & methodology) to save 20% of the global energy consumption in the investment casting company PRECICAST BILBAO.


A significant amount of energy is required in intensive manufacturing processes, but most of it gets lost during the different transformation phases. To avoid this problem, SusPIRE project’s international consortium is working on an energy recovery system, which combined with the manufacturing process of an energy intensive company, will recover energy from the different heat streams, and increase the current existing energy recovery rates by using phase change materials (PCM) and heat transfer fluids (HTF).

The demonstrator of the project is being carried out in the precision casting company PRECICAST BILBAO, where the project consortium aims at saving 20% of the global energy consumption. The results of the project can be applicable to other energy intensive manufacturing companies at international level.

Among the main achievements reached up to date, an advanced data management system that encompasses optimal manufacturing and energy consumption has been created to make a more efficient use of energy. As explained by Mr. Fernando Santos, researcher at IK4-AZTERLAN and technical coordinator of the SUSPIRE project, “we have created a software to control the key variables and key indicators that allow us to achieve the best results in energy efficiency without disturbing the manufacturing process or affecting product quality”.

The project consortium has also built a high temperature heat exchanger with a high transfer surface concept to increase energy recovery. A low temperature heat exchanger system has been created as well to act as an energy buffer supported by an organic PCM to match energy exchange and energy demand. Apart from that, a borehole thermal energy storage system has been installed and an innovative real time sensoring network permits to control temperature, humidity and wind speed.

Recently SusPIRE project consortium has presented its latest achievements at the Contractors’ Meeting on Energy Efficiency in the processing industries organized by EASME.

SUSPIRE project is funded by European Union’s H2020 program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 680169.H2020-EE-2014-2015/H2020-EE-2015-1-PPP.

Borehole thermal energy storage system and heat exchanger built within SusPIRE project.


Azterlan Team
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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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