
The INNOXCAST project develops cast components in advanced alloys (duplex and superduplex).

The consortium integrated by Fonderia Especial S.A., Modelbages S.C.P., Matroquel S.L., CENIM and IK4-Azterlan, financed by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación in the frame of the INNPACTO 2010 program (Expediente IPT-420000-2010-027), faces in the INNOXCAST project the challenges coming from industrial applications with extreme corrosion requirements.


INNOXCAST answers the demands coming from high added value markets, where the knowledge on advanced alloys (duplex and superduplex) becomes a competitiveness key. The project reinforces the market positioning of the whole supply chain and it is oriented to high complexity business niches, through the development of new product and process design strategies that are optimized for the manufacture of high corrosion resistance components. The obtained results are targeted to satisfy the demand of high performance products for the chemical, petrochemical and energy sectors, while water treatment and desalinization facilities are also considered potential customers.

It is worth it remarking that the project is characterized by a strong transversality, since the metallurgical knowledge is set in close relation with foundry and machining technologies.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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